“We provide high quality early childhood education following the EYFS program. All our children are treated with respect regardless of their culture and beliefs. We emphasize on the strengths of each individual child to deliver a unique learning experience.”
Open Door Policy
We operate an open door policy and encourage parents and care givers to participate in their child’s life in our setting. Parents are free to access their child’s records, personal portfolio and any relevant information which is handled confidentially at all times. Parents, care givers and children have opportunities to visit our setting and are provided with information that is clear and up to date. Our term calendar and weekly programs are sent to parents to take part in their child’s learning.
Parents Involvement
Parents play a vital role in their child’s learning experience. The centre strongly encourages parents’ involvement throughout the school year. Parental Support is welcomed during field trips and sharing work experience for relevant topics. If parents have a special skill or hobby that they would like to share with their child’s class, they are welcome to do so with prior arrangement with the teacher. We conduct various coffee mornings for parents to engage with the educator and staff members and learn vital tips and tricks for their children.
Parent Involvement
The Centre has to build a strong relationship on trust with the parents. Teachers and Parents must constantly communicate with each other, particularly for the well being and safety of the child.
We believe that children benefit most from early years education and care when parents and our Centre work together in partnership.
Our aim is to support parents as their children's first and most important educators by involving them in their children's education and in the full life of the Centre. We also aim to support parents in their own continuing education and personal development.