How do I arrange a visit?
- Call your preferred branch to speak to our main desk (Jumeirah +971 4 342 9575 or Al Badaa +971 4 344 3878) or drop by during our office hours (8am - 2pm).
Are you KHDA certified?
- Yes, Safa Early Learning Centre is certified by the KHDA
When is the nursery open?
- Our school timing is from 8:00AM - 1:00PM, 5 days a week. However, we do also provide Early Bird classes and Late classes for the convenience of working parents.
What happens if I am delayed collecting my child?
- Don't worry! Your child will wait for you in the Late class. If we didn't receive a phone call from you, we will contact you and/or the next person on our emergency contact list you provided upon registration.
How do I know my child will be safe and secure?
- We have qualified and experienced staff who are Certified Pediatric First Aiders. Our staff has completed Child Protection and Emergency Preparedness courses among other professional development training. We have a registered nurse on campus at all times. Our campus is also monitored by security cameras. All our equipment are suitable for children's age and stages of development and they are checked on a regular basis.
What activities will my child do at Safa Early Learning Centre?
- We learn through play and activities! The children will not only do curriculum related activities on math, language, science and art - but activities such as gardening, music and movement, cooking, swimming/water play. Our co-curricular activities enriches our program even more! We offer Karate, Gymnastics, Soccer and Ballet classes after regular school timings.
Will my child be required to bring anything with them when starting nursery? Do I have to provide nappies? What about lunch?
- Yes, we ask you to bring the nappies, wet wipes and an extra set of clothing. Also, we will ask you to pack a lunch box with healthy food/snack/drinks together with a water bottle. If there is a special comfort blanket/toy, it's good to have it with your child throughout the first days of school!
How do I find out about my childs day at nursery when I collect him/her?
- You have a chance to exchange a few words with the teacher during pick up time. We also use an application called Educore to send you reports and pictures throughout the day and week. On top of this, you will receive regular updates from the teacher and the manager through email.
How many staff will there be at Safa Early Learning Centre?
- Our child/teacher ratio is 7 to 1.
What happens if my child is taken ill?
- If your child is not feeling well in the Centre, she/he will be taken to our clinic and our school nurse will check her/him and provide necessary treatment. In case your child needs to see a doctor or needs a bedrest, the school nurse will call you and request you to pick your child up.
What if my child is ill and cannot attend nursery?
- Kindly give us a call so we can mark the absence down on our register.
My child needs medication during the day - what is your policy?
- We will ask you to sign a consent form and our school nurse will administrate the medicine.
Can I book extra sessions?
- Yes you may, please contact the main desk for this.
How do you communicate with parents?
- We will use an application called Educore for daily reports. We also send regular emails throughout the year and you are welcome to call us during office hours and/or set up a meeting with the teacher/manager.
Who is the key point of contact at the nursery?
- Depends on the issue: your Classroom teacher or the Centre Manager.
If I have a complaint, what should I do?
- Contact the Centre Manager! Or if you feel uncomfortable to do so, we have a form we will ask you to fill in and your complaint will be handled confidentially with the Management team and necessary steps will be taken to solve the issue. You will be informed about the results/changes and we will continue to follow up your case.