Toddlers I
Age by 31st December: 1 year
Activities consist of educational play, singing, music and movement, learning nursery rhymes, jigsaw puzzles, play house activities, soft play, play dough and an introduction to arts and crafts. Children also participate in water play sessions. All activities are developed to improve the children's social and language skills.
Toddlers II
Age by 31st December: 2 years
Children will be exposed to situations that will help to develop their observation skills, curiosity, attention span and their imagination, while maintaining a balance between language, arts and crafts, physical activities and music. The program includes singing, music and movement, storytelling, puzzles and construction games. Age appropriate activities introduce the children to colours, shapes, and numbers. Arts and Crafts as well as the development of pre-writing skills are part of the daily program. All activities are intended to continue and improve the children's social and language skills
Foundation Stage
FS I (pre-KG)
Age by 31st December: 3 years
The Educator will provide opportunities for exploration, investigation and creativity. Children will learn to make independent choices, develop a shared understanding of spiritual, social and culture diversity. We will encourage the children to respect and care for others and the environment. Children will practice to further improve their gross and fine motor skills. The work includes learning the alphabet through jolly phonics, numbers, presentation and verbal reasoning, introduction to reading and writing and more complex Arts and Crafts. Other daily activities include learning centres, library corners, home centres, role play, dressing-up corner, block building, play dough moulding, circle time, group games, songs and storytelling.
Age by 31st December: 4 years
Our aim is to prepare the children for a smooth transition into Reception Classes at Primary Level. Our daily activities continue to develop children's critical thinking, problem solving skills and encourage creative thinking. This will help the children develop resilience to face challenges and make well-informed choices. The EYFS program for FS II (KG1) is based on practising letter recognition for reading and recall for spelling. Oral blending, segmentation and recognition of high-frequency words are part of the pre-reading skills taught in FS II (KG1). In mathematics program, the centre uses a multi-sensory approach to develop the children's mathematical skills such as addition, subtraction, measuring, grouping and sequencing.